Why Organic?
Passionate about sustainable, natural & organic products & living
Here at Wellness we are passionate about sustainable, natural and organic products and living. We are so grateful to have found Neal’s Yard Remedies and Tropics Skin care to continue learning about living life as naturally as possible, limiting the toxins and chemicals yourself, your family and your friends may become exposed to. The skin is the body’s largest organ, and an active barrier between our bodies and the environment. It’s well known that what you put on your skin ends up in your body – just think of nicotine patches. That’s why we believe it’s really important to know exactly what’s in the products you use on your skin.
Over the last 50 years, tens of thousands of new chemicals have been developed, most of which have never been properly tested on humans. We absorb a huge array of these synthetic chemicals through our food, our toiletries, and our immediate environment, and whilst we may not be able to avoid all of these chemicals, we believe it makes sense to do what we can to minim contact wherever possible.
What Is In Our Products?
When it comes to ingredients, we pride ourselves on our honesty, integrity and transparency.
Neal’s Yard Remedies and Tropics Skin care make our products with the maximum organic, natural and wild ingredients, and carefully select other functional ingredients (detergents, emulsifiers, surfactants etc) with a view to safety, efficacy and biodegradability. Our entire range makes use of high quality organic plant-based ingredients, and we fully disclose the ingredient information with our customers, both online and, where space
allows, on the packaging.
We Believe In Organic Skin care
This means skin care products made with organically grown natural ingredients, with all their beneficial antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and without the synthetic chemicals found in other skincare that we believe could do you or the planet harm.
What’s Not In Our Products?
We believe that what you leave out of a product can be as important as what you put in. Here’s just a few of the ingredients you won’t find in any of our products, and why.
What is organic farming?
Organic farming is based on a holistic approach that respects the power of natural processes. According to EU guidelines, organic farming practices are “designed to minimise the human impact on the environment, while ensuring the agricultural system operates as naturally as possible”.
Organic farming:
What’s natural, but not organic?
As ‘organic’ refers to a system of farming, and the crops/ingredients produced, it can only cover agricultural produce – which means pure natural ingredients such as water, clay, minerals and salt can’t be called ‘organic’.